Automatic posting to the General Ledger/Journal Entry/Budget Setup/Profit and Loss/Balance Sheet/Cash Flow/Trail Balance/General Ledger/Audit Log
Unlimited Customers Handling with Customer Category, Quotation, Leads, Followup, Sales Order, Invoice, Payment Receipts, Cash Invoice, Credit Note, Delivery Note,Gate Pass Management
You can manage stocks with Different Product/Service with Different Categoried. Manage Your Inventory with Multi Stock Locations. Manage Your Purchasing with MRN, PO, GRI, Transfer Note, Debit Note, Issue Note and Stock Adjustment. Re-Oder Level Nortification
Manage Your Due Bills Payment, Direct Cash/PettyCash and Banking Payments, Customer Payment Receipts and Deposit Management with Bank Reconciliation.
Helps to manage a complete sales cycle. Outstanding and Sales Reports by Customer, Marketing officer, Branches, Route, Location,Vehical
Increasing your acquisition efficiency, Oustanding Report by Vendor, By Aging, Purchase Price Evaluation, Price Profit Margin Evaluation
Gain better control over your inventory , Total Stock Summery, Location/Warehouse/Vehicle Wise Stock Summery, Track Serial Number and Batch Number, Stock Aging Analysis, Brand, Model, Category, Bin Analysis
Make informed commercial decisions to drive profitability, Company Profit and Loss By day, week, month, annualy, cash and bank reports, balance sheet, cash flow, trail balance, general ledger and tax reports
Make informed commercial decisions to drive profitability, Company Profit and Loss By day, week, month, annualy, cash and bank reports, balance sheet, cash flow, trail balance, general ledger and tax reports
Provides consolidated and individual stock balances of the distributor, territory and area etc. This assists the area sales manager for decision making.
Handles Finished Goods, Raw Materials, Packing Materials, etc. Track Labour, Overheads and Services, Fully Intergrated with Main ERP System.
Fully Intergrated with Main ERP System.
How to Setup System, Create Master Data, Enter Transactions (Purchase, Sales, Stock Management, Cash and Bank, Accounting), Approval, Unapproval and Asign User Permission, View Reports
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.
We're open for any suggestion or just to have a chat
Address: No 222 Cotta Road, Borella Colombo 08, Sri Lanka.